Cosplay Adventures
Cosplay is the art of wearing costumes to express a certain aesthetic or persona. I have always admired the people who take the time to create their own garb, and their costumes, and decided to make my own. This is a self-designed experience, so no prior guidelines were in place until I created them. I first came up with the idea in my Gateway to University Honors class freshman year, but recently revised and perfected it using the new design template. This experience began on May 7th, 2018 and was completed on July 28th, 2018. I have included several pictures and my reflections below. The pictures provide a view of what I wanted to make versus the final creation. The videos go into detail about what I did, what I learned, and how I grew from the experience. Feel free to click on the buttons associated with each section to watch the videos. Still a work in progress, but check back tomorrow (9/19/18) for the finished page!
I did a short reflection after every major item was completed during the project. I ended up with 10 segments, and I answered the same questions each time so that I could better judge my growth throughout the process. Some things turned out great, while others didn't exactly go as planned. A list of the questions I answered can be found in the "On-going Reflection" part of my self designed experience proposal.
In my final reflection I discuss how I feel about the project as a whole, and how the different elements of the process made me feel. I also address the goals I set at the beginning (using new tools, time management, and getting out of my comfort zone). I'm really glad I had the chance to document my first intense costume project, and I hope that if you're following along that you get something out of it too.